Before Milwaukee Wheelchair Ramp Installation

Milwaukee home before wheelchair ramp rental 1

After Milwaukee Wheelchair Ramp Installation

Milwaukee WI metal modular ramp with railings 1

A Milwaukee Wheelchair Ramp Rental Project

Addy knew in advance that she would be unable to bear weight through her right leg for 4-6 weeks following ankle surgery in her Milwaukee home.  She was proactive and reached out to BILD before her surgery to inquire about temporary Milwaukee wheelchair ramp rental options.  The front entrance to Addy’s home had 3 stairs totaling 23 inches of rise.  A portable ramp would not provide a safe incline for Addy to propel, or for her husband to push a manual wheelchair up and down the ramp.  Instead, Addy’s home required a modular ramp at the entrance.  This would allow a safe incline to drive a manual wheelchair and railings to provide additional assist and support.

As she assumed, Addy required a short stay at a rehab facility following her surgery, and the ramp was ordered while she was at this facility.  Due to the New Year’s holiday, the delivery of the ramp was delayed and, Addy’s discharge date was scheduled for the weekend.  The modular ramp was not available in time for her arrival home.  BILD’s installers were able to creatively create a temporary, portable ramp at the same length as the modular ramp that was installed in time for Addy’s discharge home on a Sunday afternoon.

On Monday morning when the ramp was available for pick-up at the dock, BILD’s installers picked it up and installed it at Addy’s home.  It was a quick installation and the ramp was ready for use by the middle of the day.  Addy’s husband is now able to safely push the manual wheelchair up and down the modular ramp anytime they want to leave the house.  When Addy no longer needs a manual wheelchair, the modular ramp will be easily removed because it is not permanently attached to her home.  We are happy that we were able to safely get Addy into her home after her rehab stay.  BILD provide’s solutions to many individuals with a uniquely grated flooring that provides traction and support, as well as rental and sales of modular and portable wheelchair ramps that provide safe access into the home.

BILD offers the most highly trained accessibility specialists (CAPS, CEAC, ECHM, CLIPP certified) who have backgrounds as experienced occupational and physical therapists. We are national experts who teach accessibility professionals on the topic of remodeling and accessibility options. Our unique, integrated approach and consultations with our clients ensures attention to detail for your safety and independence.