The Region’s Leader in Accessibility

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BILD provides accessibility solutions from large to small, with guidance from the experts who teach other professionals nationally. We tailor solutions to individuals, and preserve your home’s beauty including: accessible remodeling, adaptive equipment, transfer lifts and stair lifts, and more.

Call us to schedule a FREE home assessment!

(262) 671-2032 – SE Wisconsin
(608) 216-2880 – Madison
(920) 569-0148 – Appleton

Email: [email protected]

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As Physical and Occupational therapists, we understand your functional needs.  As national instructors on home modification, we are the accessibility experts.

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Our installers and technicians are specially trained and experienced in transfer lift and mobility lift installation and service.

We proudly hold certifications of CAPS, ECHM, CLIPP, CEAC, MPT, and OTR, and hold memberships in NARI, Live at Home, Houzz, and BBB.


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Stairlifts are a popular and cost-effective solution for independent home living.

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Ramps provide wheelchair access into the home. Designs range from custom wood to modular aluminum.

Ceiling lifts

Ceiling Lifts are a safe, easy and versatile way to transfer patients from bed, toilet, wheelchair, bath and between rooms.

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Grab Bars help prevent falls in the bathroom, the highest risk area of the home.

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Hoyers and Sit-to-Stand Lifts provide mobile transfer assistance for caregivers and their patients.

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Barrier-free entries open up the shower for wheelchair users and those struggling to cross the tub barrier.

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A practical and effective option for wheelchair accessibility up and down stairs.

Milwaukee Lift Chair Recliners

Lift Chair Recliners for easier transfers, recline, massage, heat and sleeper chair options.

Milwaukee Showroom and Medical Supply Store

Call for an appointment

9209 W Bluemound Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53226

Now Serving Madison and Appleton with in-home consultations

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“We can not say enough about the difference that BILD has made for us. They have provided us with a solution that allows me to care for my husband independently in a way that is safe for both of us.”

Darlene E.

Solutions tailored to your home

“Click on room to discover accessibility options”