Milwaukee ceiling lift turntableEducation: Another BILD Difference

At BILD, one of our points of difference is that we are owned by a Physical Therapist and have additional PT’s and OT’s on our staff.  Our therapists are extensively trained in the field of home modifications with credentials including: CAP – Certified Aging in Place Specialists, CEAC – Certified Environmental Access Consultant, and ECHM – USC Executive Certificate in Home Modifications.  By having these additional resources we can come in and educate senior groups, church groups, hospitals, clinics, support groups on home modifications.  From grab bars and ramps to bathroom accessibility and elevators we can come in and discuss and answer questions that your members and staff have.  We also can bring individual products to help answer questions to certain needs.  We have pamphlets on our company and on all the products and services that we offer.  We can accommodate groups of any size and offer night and weekend meetings times.  If given a specific topic, ie. bathroom safety, we can design a custom tailored presentation for your group.  Give Edward Still a call at 414-690-3789 or send him an email at to schedule an appointment.